Every time you flick on the news, another company has announced a new and innovative employee education benefit. Yes, Starbucks, Disney, Home Depot, and Walmart all contribute to sending their employees back to school.
Tuition and books are expensive, so why would companies like these be willing to absorb all or part of these hefty expenses? Simply put, the benefits of sending your employees back to school outweigh the costs.
Develop a Dream Team
Every business owner dreams of leading the best team in their industry to victory. The best way to trample your competition is to equip each player with the skills needed to be the best in the business.
- Adaptability. Mastering new skills increases an employee’s confidence, better preparing them to embark on new projects, assume greater responsibilities, and adapt to new technologies and system changes. An employee who is competent in many areas will be “enormously helpful to you when setting schedules or filling in for absences.” Thanks to your well-rounded “cogs,” your business will be able to steam ahead at full speed.
- Customer Service. Nothing is more frustrating than standing in a lineup waiting to be served by a company representative who appears to lack the skills required to do the job. Wearing a puzzled expression, continuously referring to a more knowledgeable superior, or–Heaven forbid–exhibiting a lack of people skills can prove lethal to your customer’s satisfaction and, subsequently, your bottom line. However, a team of frontline personnel that has been well-educated in the art of customer service will prove invaluable when battling your competition.
- Meet Demands. Sadly, too many companies fail to adequately provide their team members with the skills required to do their jobs. And, in today’s dog-eat-dog economy, “adequate” is nowhere near enough. 55 percent of U.S. workers said ‘they are under pressure to develop additional skills to be successful in their current and future jobs.’ Yet, only 21 percent said they have acquired new skills through company-provided formal training. Let’s hope your competition employs these workers.
Keep Your Dream Team
If you are fortunate enough to have the makings of a dream team, you will need to up your game to keep them on your roster. Educating your employees is a great way to foster a loyal team and attract new star players.
- Retain Your Team Members. When you invest in your employees, you are, in effect, telling them that you value them. This can work wonders in instilling a sense of loyalty in your workforce. In “Deliver Value to Your Employees: Your Most Important Stakeholders,” Paul Spiegelman, CEO of Beryl Companies, reminds employers that to motivate your staff to take a vested interest in your company’s future, they need to feel that the company takes an interest in theirs. And a great way to do this is by paying for school.
- Save Money. Advertising for, interviewing, and recruiting a new employee is not an inexpensive endeavor. When a disenfranchised team member quits, you lose your previous investment and must now spend more money to replace them. That’s why it is vital to ensure that your employees are provided with opportunities to master new skills and engage in professional development within your company and with your company’s support.
- Attract Stars. If you were a star player, would you want to play for the team with the tight purse strings, or would you want to play for the one that is willing to invest in its players? By providing educational opportunities, you will be able to attract higher-caliber team members. Why? “How Does Training Motivate Employees?” states that companies who offer training and education to their employees indicate that they value their people and the contribution they make, as well as progress–both in the organizational achievements and the careers of its people.”
If you want to lead your dream team to victory and leave your competition choking in your dust, you may want to consider sending your employees back to school seriously. Your loyal customers, dedicated employees, and bottom line will thank you. But your competition won’t.
What other benefits are associated with sending your employees to school?
Author Bio: This post was contributed by Kimberley Laws, a freelance writer, avid blogger, and Certified Career Counselor. You can follow her at The Embiggens Project.