How to Re-Purpose Old Content for New Audiences

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It can be hard and time-consuming to continuously come up with new ideas for great content. You can save time, effort, and resources by re-purposing content you’ve already created. Here are a few ideas for how to re-purpose old content for new audiences.

It can be hard and time-consuming to continuously come up with new ideas for great content. As such, you can save time, effort, and resources by re-purposing content you’ve already created. Repurposing content is an easy way to promote your work and reach new audiences.

Here are a few ideas for how to re-purpose old content for new audiences.

Create new Blog Posts

If you blog a lot about a specific topic, you can repackage those blogs into a new guide. For example, you may have written about how to use ads on Facebook, upload images on Facebook, and how to add links to your posts on Facebook. Compile these blogposts and turn them into “The Complete Guide to Facebook Perfection.” You can then use email marketing to garner valuable leads when promoting the guide.

Design an Infographic

People tend to recall visual content moreso than plain text. An infographic is a visual outline of the content of your posts. Infographics are a great way to share content on social media that help readers to relate to what you have written. If you have a lot of data or content on your site, you build infographics to repurpose them.

Host a Webinar

Webinar are another way to connect with your audience. It allows you to present on a topic effectively and engage your audience in conversation. Old blog posts can be a great starting point for a webinar, or you can use a list of posts as a research to create a final presentation.

Create a Podcast

Perhaps you have considered doing a podcast, but you have no idea what to include or talk about. Grab several key points from your old articles and expand on each one of them. Then create a podcast or video to open up a new way to connect with your readers. There are also online resources through which you can find writers to write your podcast scripts.

Write an eBook

If you have a lot of written copy to work with, compile it all into an eBook to generate leads. Many high-quality eBooks began as blog posts. This is a great way to turn content into a large guide once the initial hype of your content lessens.

Repurposing content is important for your business. It gives you the opportunity to create new collateral without having to come up with new ideas. So, if you have a series of blog posts, consider if t’s time to repurpose them as either a podcast, eBook, webinar, or infographic.


Author Bio: Kira Carr is a freelance writer and blogger that likes to write about helpful techniques and strategies for new bloggers and freelancers.

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