Building a Brand for the Future: How to Target Millennials and Generation Z

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Every generation has its own “rules” on how to approach a certain brand or product. Millennials and Generation Z use technology and social media on a daily basis. If you’re wondering how to target Millennial and Gen Z’s attention, here are 5 ways to capture and persuade them to buy your product or engage with your brand.

Every generation has its own “rules” on how to approach a certain brand or product. Each one is different. But with technology, younger generations now think alike. Millennials and Generation Z now make up a greater part of the world’s population. And, they use technology on a daily basis. That is why many brands have and will continue to change their marketing to build their brands and attract new buyers – Millennials and Generation Z-ers.

So, if you’re building a brand for the future, learn how these generations think and how they behave. Gen Z and Millennial marketing strategies can vary from other approaches. Here are 5 ways to capture Millennial and Gen Z’s attention, and persuade them to buy your product or engage with your brand.

Find the Right Channels

It’s no surprise digital channels are important for younger generations. According to Facebook, people under 35 spend a total of 21.1 billion hours on smartphones and social media, compared to 16 billion hours watching TV content. Use digital to expose your brand and build a following through social media. Furthermore, make sure your presence is mobile-friendly and optimized. You are more likely to attract the attention of younger generations there since they spend more time on smartphones than on laptops and desktop computers.

Know Your Influencers

In 2018, influencers became a big part of Millennial and Gen-Z culture. Younger folks trust influential people they follow online. Subsequently, many companies endorse social media influencers to promote their products and attract new consumers. That is why companies started turning their ads towards Instagram influencers to help market themselves.

However, since the “market” of influencers expanded greatly, people have more  trust in micro influencers. Companies carefully pick influencers to promote their products. For example, many travel brands will engage with influential travel Instagrammers and YouTubers. This is because these generations trust YouTubers and video content is the best ad for the future.

Let Them Support a Cause

Millennials and Gen-Zers want to help build a better world. Both generations struggle on a daily basis. Build your brand around supporting a good cause to attract these two generations. Make sure you stay honest about it, though. For example, climate change is one of the biggest problems today. You could support wildlife, green living, and eco-friendly products. By endorsing these or causes, teens and 20-somethings are more likely to trust you and buy your product.

Don’t Be Too Wordy and Get to The Point

Don’t take too long to get to the point about what you’re advertising. These two generations don’t want to trudge through content to find what they’re looking for. Utilize data, stories, and videos to make your point loud and clear. Also, rely on visuals, such as images and charts to present your brand. You are more likely to catch their attention this way.

Focus on Social Media

As mentioned, Millennials and Generation Z spend most of their waking hours on their smartphones browsing the internet and social media. Those are their main sources of information.

However, there are differences in the use of platforms. Millennials mostly use Facebook and Instagram, while Generation Z is moving away from Facebook to Instagram and toward Snapchat and TikTok. Pick your social media advertising strategy accordingly based on the particular generation you want to target. Once that’s defined, rely on interactive, visual, and short content to catch and keep their attention.

Radio and TV advertising are no longer trendy when it comes to building your brand for the future. Older generations may still rely on traditional media for information and building trust with brands. But when it comes to younger generations, focus on your digital presence. Use social media and show you are supporting a cause. Then, your interactive and eye-catchy content will do its job and attract younger generations to invest in you and your brand.


Author Bio: Alexander Hunkin is an Australian-based startup advisor with in-depth experience in growing startup businesses. He is also a content creator that aspires to share his experiences and is always on the lookout for the next opportunity to enhance his skills. When he isn’t busy working, he cooks exotic meals, scuba dives, and cycles.

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