Turning Social Media Into A Career

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Hotels are providing a variety of social media career opportunities in a variety of areas.

Do you log onto your Facebook account first thing in the morning–before you’ve even wiped the crust from your eyes?

Have you nearly stepped out into traffic because you couldn’t pull your eyes away from your Twitter feed?

Well, my friend. It sounds like you have may suffer from a social media addiction. But don’t panic. There are jobs for that.

Yes, the hospitality industry needs social-media savvy, slightly “obsessed” individuals just like you. If this sounds like a dream job come true, fight the allure of your Google+ page, and read on.

Here are just a few of the ways that your…um…”passion” can benefit a quality hotel near you.

The Concierge
Many top hotel brands like Hyatt and Tune have introduced Twitter-based concierge services–enabling their guests to access instantaneous assistance no matter where they may be. If you are a tenacious tweeter who knows your city better the back of your own cell phone hand, this may be the perfect project for you.

Whether you’re called upon to recommend a great sushi restaurant, the best spot for designer knock-offs, or you simply want to thank a patron for posting a glowing review, this online concierge service is sure to keep the hotel social media crew hopping.

The Promoter
No one knows the power of social media marketing better than the social media addict. If a company wants their marketing endeavors to succeed, they have to include the hottest social media platforms in their marketing mix.

The hospitality industry has proven itself to be exceptionally adept at this–and as someone with a fanatical Facebook fetish, you are uniquely equipped for the task.

For instance, Virgin Airlines is renowned for its creative social media campaigns and online omnipresence, using a multitude of platforms and tools including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Groupon, and Hootsuite.

The Blogger
Several hotels have added a blog to their traditional website offerings, enabling them to share quality content, upcoming events, and more with current and prospective patrons.

Bewley’s Hotels of Dublin, Leeds, and Manchester, for example, uses their blog to celebrate events like a Beyonce concert, the Dino Jaws exhibit, and a giant Room Sale. If generating share-worthy content is your forte, you may be ideal as a top hotel’s resident blogger.

The Fixer
If you possess both a flare for customer service and an ability to locate the proverbial online needle in the internet haystack, this next job may be perfect for you.

Most social media savvy hotels and airlines now have at least one employee dedicated to keeping an eye out for and addressing negative customer reviews on social media and review sites.

The Landmark London hotel, for instance, regularly monitors and responds to comments on TripAdvisor, enabling them to maintain their reputation as a topnotch facility.

The Secret Shopper
Imagine being able to satisfy both your social media addiction and your shopaholic tendencies simultaneously.

Well, more and more hospitality companies are keeping an eye on their competition’s exclusive deals, special events, and new offerings through social media.

Yes, you could get paid to search Twellow for awesome room rates at a competitor near you.
The Paparazzi
Is you cell phone perpetually set to “camera” mode? Do you keep your fellow “pinners” satisfied with a steady supply of original pictures? Are you a maven of Instagram?

Now imagine yourself taking pictures of the hotel’s beautiful properties, guests celebrating the party room, and happy diners enjoying a five star meal–images that will grace your company’s website and social media pages.

You could be involved in developing a lavish Pinterest board like that operated by Four Seasons, for example.

If you’d like to learn more about how mastering social media can turn into a career move.

Your social media addiction may not be a bad thing after all–no matter what your mother tells you. Instead, embrace who you are–Foursquare fixation and all–and turn that monkey on your back to into money in your pocket.

In what other ways could a social media savvy individual benefit a company within the hospitality industry?

This post was contributed by Kimberley Laws, a freelance writer, avid blogger, and illustrator. You can follow her neurotic and OCD ramblings at The Embiggens Project and Searching for Barry Weiss.

Image courtesy of photos.com.

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