Lose Your Luggage? Not Anymore.

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Delta Airlines has implemented a system for travelers to track their checked baggage via the airline carrier’s iPhone app, allowing guests to monitor the whereabouts of their luggage at all times.

19 Comments on Lose Your Luggage? Not Anymore.

If you travel frequently, odds are you’ve had to endure a wait for your bags, or been paranoid about the possibility of them ending up in a city other than the one you’re in.

With that in mind, Delta Airlines has implemented a system for travelers to track their checked baggage. Via the airline carrier’s iPhone app, guests are able to monitor the whereabouts of their luggage at all times.

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It’s very easy: once you’ve checked in your bags, simply take a photo of your baggage tag. This allows you, throughout the course of travel, to check in to see where your luggage is in real-time. You can also check whether your bags have been delivered and where exactly you can pick them up when you land.

This app definitely adds an element of comfort to travelers being able to consistently know exactly where their belongings are. The fact that it’s easy to access, via each’s own personal cellphone, makes it easy to manage, without having to worry about waiting in lines at a counter, etc.

delta airlines
Would this motivate you to fly Delta as opposed to another airline?


  1. Very happy to see the Airlines rolling out Technology more and more to passengers.  I was an early adopter for the paperless boarding pass and also rely on integrated apps such as Flight Tracker and TripIt. Definitely makes life easier!

  2. What a great resource. I never check bags, but this is really good to know. Will be interesting to watch what the other airlines come up with to compete.

  3. If I was travelling and had an iphone, it would be perfect!

  4. I don’t do a lot of traveling, neither do I have a smartphone – but I have heard so many people say they can’t live without theirs. Apps like this would be a reason why. Interesting. I may have to spring for one yet.

  5. It’s so nice to find out that companies are finding ways to make our lives easier, rather than just their bottom lines fatter. I welcome this change.

  6. Awesome! I hope all airlines offer this in the near future! 

  7. Once lost baggage for 5 days.  We arrived in Hawaii, the baggage didn’t…Great App here

  8. Neat! What a lovely idea:)

  9. This is awesome. I try to carry on if I can but sometimes that’s not possible so this is very convenient because I’m always paranoid at the luggage belt wondering if my bags will show up.

  10. I’d try it for sure if I fly Delta. But since I don’t fly much to have an airline preference I’d prob just book a flight based on price. Great to see technology changes!

  11. Definitely!

  12. Seriously. I imagine they will.

  13. Oh wow, sorry to hear that! That must be such a pain. Hopefully more/all airlines will eventually incorporate this feature.

  14. Definitely!

  15. Seriously, I think that’s a natural worry. Hopefully everything makes it where it’s supposed to go!

  16. Likewise. Thanks for commenting!

  17. Definitely! It’ll be interesting to see what else they unravel.

  18. Agreed. Thanks, Debra!

  19. Let me know what you think if you end up getting one!

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