At the beginning of September, Ritz Carlton introduced a social film series: A Ritz-Carlton Reserve Adventure. Each day on their social media channels, they featured a clip from the new social film series, leading up to a full reveal of the entire film.
The story is centered on a woman named Alice and her travel adventures. The social media posts were written from the traveler Alice’s perspective and focused on her thoughts and discoveries as she traveled to Ritz-Carlton Reserve resorts in exclusive destinations worldwide.
“We have the most engaged audience of Ritz-Carlton fans and followers across social media channels that any brand could wish for. Therefore, it is a pleasure to have created something truly unique and tailored for this valuable group,” said Ed French, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer for The Ritz-Carlton.
“At a Ritz-Carlton Reserve, the service philosophy has been carefully crafted to help individual guests unlock the secrets of individual places. It is a philosophy that successfully reveals the personality of each unique location to create unforgettable experiences. The video series has been designed to take our social media audience on a journey around these beautiful destinations.”
Travelers are encouraged to share their travel memories using the hashtag #RCMemories. In July, the global luxury hotel company began showcasing the other side of the stories by providing a social environment for guests to share their favorite Ritz-Carlton vacation memories.
Ritz Carlton will feature a selection of user photos on Instagram and on their website’s ‘Your Memories’ section.