Simple Ideas for Creating Valuable Ads that Convert

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With consumer behavior and sentiments constantly changing, the digital era brings unprecedented challenges. So, how can you create simple yet valuable advertisements that are truly effective? Check out the following ideas for inspiration.

Today’s business owners have a spectacular range of options when it comes to marketing their products or services. The rise of social media platforms and various online tools makes it easier than ever to connect and engage with target audiences.

However, the digital era also brings a few unprecedented challenges to the fore, with consumer behavior and sentiments constantly changing. So, how can you create simple yet valuable advertisements that are truly effective? Check out the following ideas for inspiration.

Make a Promotional Video

Consumers’ attention spans are decreasing, so your window of opportunity constantly gets smaller. If you want to market your products or services successfully, you need to engage your audience almost immediately.

One method is to make a promotional video that conveys what you sell in a fun, interesting, and informative way. If you keep it short and to the point, it’ll also be easier to share online. Remember to encourage viewers to do so. Don’t forget any crucial contact information, either.

If you feel out of your depths because you don’t know the first thing about videography, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are numerous tools and promo video ad templates that’ll turn you into a pro in no time.

Sponsor a Podcast

Podcasts exploded in popularity in recent years. It may have taken over a decade, but podcasting is now a mainstream medium. This has opened up new avenues for advertising, allowing you to connect with listeners you otherwise might’ve never engaged.

All you need to do is design an audibly-pleasing advert that’s loaded with all the details of your products or services. Next, find a podcast to sponsor that’s within your budget and has a fair number of followers for maximum exposure.

Set up an Online Contest or Competition

Another way to create a valuable ad is by setting up an online contest or competition. Depending what you sell, it could be more cost-effective to award a hamper of products or a dedicated service.

It’s relatively simple to organize a competition with online contact forms, email campaigns, and social media tools. Alternatively, find a publication or influencer within your niche that’s running their own contest.

Offer to contribute prizes as a sponsor to bring attention to your business. Either way, you expose your brand as well as your products or services.

Harness the Power of Social Media

From Facebook, Snapchat, and LinkedIn to Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, social media platforms are a powerful marketing tool. Create valuable adverts by being consistent, posting informative content, and interacting with your followers.

Keep posts to the point, but don’t be afraid to be quirky and fun. Use eye-catching imagery, let your audience in on your day-to-day operations, and stir up the excitement with suspenseful “reveal” posts.

Bonus Tips

Here are a few bonus tips that can help you create effective ads – no matter which medium you use.

Define Your Brand

When you have a defined brand with clear and unique selling propositions (USPs), you can easily incorporate these elements into your adverts. Think about what makes your products, services, and business different from your competitors. It could also be something that’s not necessarily special but that none of your competitors are promoting.

Use Catchy Headlines

With the endless scrolling on social media, flooded email inboxes, and pop-up ads appearing at the most inopportune moments, consumers have little patience to read everything. That’s why a catchy headline is crucial. Plus, when you grab people’s attention, they’re more likely to take an interest in what you’re selling.

Don’t Forget About Visual Appeal

For the same reasons above, plain adverts get lost among other brighter, more exciting ones. Humans are visual creatures, so your audience is likely to appreciate vivid, striking imagery much more than dull and mundane design elements.

The Bottom Line

There are countless simple yet effective ways to design a valuable ad. Make a promotional video, sponsor a podcast, or set up an online competition. By harnessing the power of social media and defining your brand with catchy headlines and visual appeal, you’ll be able to create compelling ads in no time.

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