The Revival of QR Codes for Marketing During the Coronavirus Pandemic

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Business must adapt to new ways of interaction in order to survive the pandemic. QR codes are making a comeback as they provide touchless options for businesses. Let’s talk about QR codes and how they’re helping businesses to pivot their marketing during COVID-19.

Coronavirus has shaken the entire world, to say the least. In the middle of what experts deem as the worst recession in more than 100 years, concepts such as social distancing, safety first, and contactless marketing have become the norm.

Business must adapt to new ways of interaction in order to survive the pandemic. There are renewed ways and technology to thrive in the COVID-stricken world. One such technology, although not new, but that is making a comeback is the use of QR codes (also known as Quick Response codes).

Let’s talk about QR codes and how they’re helping businesses to pivot their marketing during COVID-19.

What are QR codes?

As POS systems became popular, barcodes slowly also rose to popularity since their inception in the 1960s. In 1994, QR codes came into being. This new technology exceeded its predecessor’s reading capacity of 20 digits to 7000 digits. The increased reading capability of QR codes proved to be ten times faster than the barcode technology.

With so many more data points available, QR technology has various new users. You can find the technology on presentations at business conferences, business cards, or even on buildings.

QR codes are mostly used for holding various data, such as:

  • Simple text messages, such as a welcome or thank you for a message at business conferences.
  • Email addresses, contact numbers, and addresses.
  • Website URLs
  • Links to download various apps.
  • Information regarding your credit card or bank account.
  • Online authentication
  • WiFi authentication

QR Codes and Contactless Marketing During Coronavirus

According to the World Health Organization, when a person sneezes or coughs, they spray liquid droplets from their mouth or nose. When a person having the coronavirus sneezes, coughs, or talks in public, the water droplets sprayed from their mouth or nose may contain the virus and contaminate their surroundings. As people come in contact with the surroundings, they may catch the virus too.

Therefore, all are advised to maintain distance, wear face masks, and keep washing their hands and sanitizing frequently-touched surfaces.

However, this condition is making it extremely difficult for businesses to strive. Especially the businesses that are concerned with social hospitality, including restaurants, hotels, cultural attractions, etc. are affected by restrictions.

In this situation, contactless marketing surfaced that makes it possible to both promote social distancing and keep businesses fully functional. A crucial player in contactless marketing is the QR code. It requires a minimum distance of 25 cm to process, and prevents touching frequently-used surfaces by the business’s customers.

Let’s look at how businesses are using QR codes these days.

Use of QR Codes in Businesses

Here are various ways businesses are utilizing the technology of QR codes.

For Restaurant Menus

Restaurant operators are making sure their environments remain safe for customers ever since restaurants have begun to re-open for dine-in.

One of the popular steps taken is the use of QR codes to display menus. The QR code is available on the table or at the entrance of the restaurant. Customers can scan the QR code and download the restaurant’s menu. When they are ready to order, they can do so without having to touch a physical menu.

These digital menus are handy for restaurant managers as well. They can easily change the menu, mention that a dish isn’t available, or feature discounts through digital means.

For Hotels

The hotel industry is using QR codes for creative marketing. Here’s how:

Contents are a great way to create engagement with followers. The hotel industry can send an email marketing campaign with a QR code to the brand’s social media profiles. The code will provide email subscribers with access to social media links on their mobile devices. If they follow, they may earn entrance to the giveaway for the chance to win some incentive.

Hotels use the power of Instagram posts to their full advantage. Usually, you can’t put links in Instagram posts; you may send the user to the bio to click on the link for the website. However, there’s workaround. Hotels can use QR codes on their posts so customers can scan them to view special offers. QR codes can be used on all digital platforms, and even in hotel business presentations, so your customers can use the code wherever they are.

Just like in restaurants, hotels can also use QR codes to request feedback from their customers. The QR code may be placed on a table in the customer’s room for guests to scan the code and fill in the feedback form through their phone. During COVID-19, this is especially crucial so that hotel managers can ensure their customer’s health and safety.

Get QR Codes for Your Business

When you think about opening or running your business during COVID-19, QR codes can help. You can use QR codes in various ways; it all depends on your creativity. Malls have used QR codes for a while to allow visitors to gather information. To generate the QR codes, there are plenty of free and paid tools out there that enables users to create QR code images that later can be printed or used digitally.

In these times of uncertainty, it’s better to propose safety precautions with QR codes so your customers develop trust and reassurance with your brand.

Wrapping Up

QR codes are one way of implementing contactless marketing in today’s coronavirus-stricken times. In this article, we discussed what QR codes are, what businesses are already using it, and why it is important for today’s business.

Businesses must adjust to the changing times in order to thrive. Without incorporating technologies such as QR codes, businesses may have a harder time guaranteeing the health and safety of their consumers. With QR codes, businesses can present restaurant menus, special offers, and contest giveaways to customers.

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