Gogobot: Redefining Social Travel
The web is full of social travel sites, though one in particular that’s setting a high bar is Gogobot. As on other sites, you can read and write reviews of hotels, restaurants and other establishments.
The web is full of social travel sites, though one in particular that’s setting a high bar is Gogobot. As on other sites, you can read and write reviews of hotels, restaurants and other establishments.
Pfister Hotel’s Narrator program involved the hotel hiring a “writer-in-residence” to spend time in the hotel’s lobby, speak with visitors and guests and share their stories on the Pfister’s blog
Through social media, cruise lines are able to reach a segment of the population that has definite financial potential.
Plan a trip to some exotic destination where your teen-age kids can indulge in some adventure and fun activities. This effort to bridge the gap between the two of you will be certainly appreciated by your kids and assist in strengthening the relationship.
Just what can a travel brand do with social media? Here are a few thoughts to spark inspiration and evoke conversation. This is just the tip of the iceberg!
HotelClub has put together an infographic to demonstrate just how many amazing destinations there are to choose from in Australia that are fun for the whole family.
Treovi is a hotel reservations service, conceived by industry insiders, establishing a fair sales model between hotels and their customers.
Before Facebook and Twitter, families traveled based on limited resources. For adventurous people who love to explore, they took on the tasks of researching the destinations that might seem to fit their interests. They would also have to make sure all the accommodations were appropriate for their family, which usually resulted in a lot of phone calls and wishful thinking.
Nearly half of American travelers this year plan to use mobile devices during travel as a resource, and nearly 40% of online travelers visit social networking sites to influence destination choices.