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How To Turn Negative Social Media Comments Into Positive Marketing

Marketing teams live and die by reviews. Diligent customers will always look through reviews before purchasing; a few negative reviews can turn savvy consumers away. However, the popularity of social media means negative reviews are unavoidable. Almost every Twitter post elicits a mixed reaction, and there’s no telling who will…

Leveraging Storytelling to Boost Marketing Success

Storytelling is the oldest form of human communication. In eras past, it’s how we passed down information from one generation to the next. Of course, today, we have so many forms of communication that storytelling is no longer the only way to get important messages across. However, storytelling is still…

How to Find the Most Success on Instagram

Instagram is a social media giant. For individuals and businesses alike, the image-sharing platform is a fantastic way to share your personal side. But to find success on Instagram, you have to be strategic. For businesses specifically, Instagram marketing is a great way to connect with your audience and attract…

6 Types of Business Software that Optimize Your Workflow

To run your business most efficiently, it's crucial to streamline processes that make things run smoothly. There are various types of business software available that can help streamline different components of running a company. Examples include Document Scanner, Database, Accounting, CRM, and Scheduling. Much of this software is specially designed…

9 Tips for Civil Conversation Between People Who Disagree

In today’s political environment, the potential for conflict has never been greater. For this reason, it has become increasingly important for people to know how to civilly communicate with others who have different values and opinions. Here are nine tips for having a civil conversation with someone who disagrees with you.

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5 Ways to Run a Stronger Link Building Campaign

Even though it’s a good idea to post high-quality content on a regular basis, it’s also a good idea to think about links. What are a few of the top ways that you can increase the number of high authority links back to your website? Here key points to know.

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