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The Impact of Digital Innovations on Medical Marketing

2020 was no ordinary year. With the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, social justice movements, a struggling U.S. economy, devastating weather events, and political turmoil in an election year, we experienced big changes in our daily lives. These changes left marketing experts scrambling. Even before 2020, the digital revolution affected…

5 Ways to Better Optimize Traffic to Your Website

Looking for new ways to optimize traffic to your website? Website optimization is both an art and a science. It involves using advanced techniques, tools, and experiments. The goal is to enhance the effectiveness of your site, grow traffic, boost conversions, and increase overall revenue. Search engine optimization (SEO) involves…

Avoid These 9 Common Local SEO Mistakes

Businesses need all the publicity that they can get. The internet makes it easier for that to be possible. Many people search online to find businesses, so it's imperative for companies to maintain a strong online presence. It's easy to make mistakes when trying to take advantage of local search…

Best Remote Working Tools Needed for Success

There has been an unprecedented surge in remote working tools this year. COVID-19's effect on businesses changed the working landscape. Many automated tools assist employees and teams working remotely. Some rank higher than others in functionality, affordability, and efficiency. Here's an overview of the best remote working tools. Whether you are a work-at-home…

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