The Social Vending Machine
Pepsi has just revealed their new “social vending system” hoping the trend will be “the next generation in interactive vend technology.”
Pepsi has just revealed their new “social vending system” hoping the trend will be “the next generation in interactive vend technology.”
Roger Smith Hotel is setting a stellar example of engaging consumers both in-person and online.
The 16th Annual Taste of Anaheim is coming up! Enter to win free tickets!
A behind-the-scenes tour of Cosmopolitan Las Vegas.
Bing recently created a Facebook app allowing individuals to create a “travel wish list.”
Tourism Vancouver is doing a fantastic job of providing straightforward information. They’re taking full advantage of social media and hosting awesome, interactive contests.
Does Facebook Leave Some Feeling Out?
I was on some website the other day when I noticed a Macy’s ad that caught my attention. Rather than try to direct people straight to their website, as is the intention with most ads/businesses, it sought to encourage people to head to Macy’s Facebook page.
I came across an article that proposed the question: Is social media in travel over-hyped or under-hyped?
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