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Three Ways Inbound Marketing Can Help Increase Restaurant Sales

When it comes to the restaurant business, the only successful operations are those that are constantly looking for ways to drive food and beverage sales. The restaurant owner who chooses to get comfortable with their lunch hour rush will, at some point, watch sales drop as foot traffic dwindles. Attracting…

The Big Data Challenges Facing the Hospitality Sector

The tremendous breakthroughs in technology in recent decades have vastly increased the potential for revenue and even created new hospitality businesses from thin air. But they've also caused a few problems. Like the adage "mo' money, mo' problems," having new concerns to manage does complicate operations. From security and device functionality to…

Millennial Travel Trends: A Look at the Largest Generations’ Habits

Between the years 1980 and 2000, something terrific happened. Something that would forever change the shape of the world as previous generations knew it. No, it wasn’t the launch of MTV (though that was pretty awesome, too), and it wasn’t dinosaurs being reanimated at Jurassic Park. No, no. Those 20…

Five Reasons to Use Google Alerts

“Google Alerts” is a content monitoring system that notifies users when new content from news, web, blogs, video and/or discussion groups matches a set of search terms selected. It’s a great, straightforward way to gather content for social media channels for several reasons.

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The Flavor Tourism Experience

“Pei Wei is a place just outside of your usual routine where you can experience the vibrant flavors of dishes inspired from five Asian cultures.” Indeed, outside of the usual routine they are. In an interview with Pei Wei’s VP of Marketing…

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Social Media in Plain English

I recently attended Splash Media’s Social Media Bootcamp. It provided a great case for social media implementation for business and most memorably, a lot of statistics and relevant comparisons.

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Active Social Outreach Online and Off

This week, I checked into the Westin Kierland hotel in Scottsdale, Arizona and was pleasantly surprised to find a flyer on the desk in my guestroom. It reads “Get Social” along the top and then outlines the ways guests can read or relay feedback on their experience at the hotel through social media.

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